Lemon & Redcurrant Tart

Fresh lemon and crisp redcurrant are the flavour duo of this crustless tart. Complimenting each other with a zesty zing which makes this a perfect spring dinner party dessert. No faffing with pastry making either, this tart also offers a lighter menu choice. This recipe is not dairy free or vegan but feel free to [...]

Discover London | Butterscotch Bakery

Who would have guessed that porridge is one of my favourite breakfast choices.. Always creating different porridge bowls with a variation of flavours from fruits, protein powders and mixed superfoods. Adding toppings is what makes it so delicious and creates more texture and flavour to something that would be fed to Oliver Twist!   Butterscotch [...]

Choc Chip Caramel Blondies | Vegan

Indulgent vegan chocolate chip and caramel blondies to really satisfy my sweet tooth and naughty baking desires! Inspired by an amazing tasting session in Wholefoods, where I tried some seriously delicious vegan and gluten free blondies. Elizabeth, the creator of these delicious treats explained how the use of coconut oil made them so moist, using [...]

Discover London | The Source Bulk Foods

  Zero waste food stores along with packaging-free products are slowly having more influence on the conscious consumer. In a contemporary consumer market, filled with so much packaging wastage and fresh products in unnecessary plastic wrappers, the rise of zero waste food stores is having a positive response from the more compassionate and eco-friendly consumer. [...]

Chocolate Peanut Easter Nests

Chocolate Easter nests with chocolate peanut eggs! Making chocolate crispy nests on a rainy afternoon was the perfect way to relax on the Easter Weekend. Spending time with family is very important, especially coming together for meals and celebrations such as Easter. What better way to have some fun and get creative in the kitchen [...]

Blueberry Blast Breakfast ‘Nice Cream’

Ice cream for breakfast? Blueberry nice cream; a dairy free and healthy alternative to ice cream, made from frozen blueberries, banana and optional protein powder for a post workout breakfast. I love having a sweet treat after a meal and this also hits the spot perfectly, yet being super nutritious and packed full of antioxidants.   [...]

Peach & Banana Superfood Protein Bars

Peach and banana superfood protein bars pack with so many amazing ingredients to provide a balanced snack with a great protein boost. I love making my own protein bars, as they are so easy and don't include any unnecessary ingredients such as artificial sweeteners or thickeners which are found in many shop bought bars. It's [...]

Podcast of the Month

A goal for 2018 was to listen to more podcasts, which I have now totally become obsessed with. They are a great way to pass time, fill your mind and provide a good listen on your daily commute. I tune in whilst on a long run or when I am cooking. The selection I mention [...]